The Law of the Outlaw

Law and Order With, Within, and Beyond Criminal Groups

Keywords: law, outlaws, legal anthropology


This article introduces the special issue through a review of Francophone and Anglo-Saxon legal anthropology traditions, before situating the law of the outlaw within these and outlining its potential contribution towards the development of a pragmatic approach to law.

Author Biographies

Martin Lamotte, CNRS

Martin Lamotte is an anthropologist and CNRS researcher in the Cities, Territory, Environment, and Society laboratory in Tours, France (CITERE-UMR 7324). His work focuses on the global circulation of the Ñetas gang between the United States, South America and Europe.

Dennis Rodgers, Centre sur le conflit, le développement et le maintien de la paix (CCDP), Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement (IHEID)

Dennis Rodgers is Research Professor in the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacekeeping (CCDP) at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, and director of the ERC GANGS project. His research focuses on issues relating to urban violence in Latin America (Nicaragua, Argentina), Asia (India), and Europe (France), with a particular emphasis on gangs.


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How to Cite
Lamotte, Martin, and Dennis Rodgers. 2024. “The Law of the Outlaw: Law and Order With, Within, and Beyond Criminal Groups”. Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology 29 (1):4-20.