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Author Guidelines

The Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology accepts manuscripts in English, German, and French. All manuscripts are subject to peer-review and must be submitted via the OJS online submission system. 

Style of the Text

  • Document format must be in .docx, .doc or .odt
  • clearly legible 12 point font (Times or similar)
  • double spaced with 2.5cm/ 1 inch margins
  • unjustified, flush left, no indentations
  • Title: maximal title length is 90 characters, for the subtitle 120 characters.
  • Headings: first order heading is in bold (use the same font as the body text), second order heading is italicised, insert an empty line before a heading. Maximal length is 120 characters.
  • Quotes: use double inverted commas for shorter quotes. Long quotes of more than 40 words are italicised. Set off long quotes from the text with an empty line before and after the quote (without indentation)
  • Footnotes: Keep footnotes to the minimum. They should never be important to the main argument. Footnotes are numbered consecutively, starting with the number 1 (not Roman numerals)
  • Images: 300 dpi
  • Referencing and Citation: For citations, SJSCA (formerly Tsantsa) follows the Author-Date format of the Chicago Manual of Style. Please conform to our referencing and citation guide.
  • Please refer to our guidelines for gender-inclusive language
  • For contributions in English, you can choose between UK and US spelling. For UK spelling, the reference is the Oxford English Dictionary ( For matters of grammar, punctuation, hyphenation, and capitalisation use New Hart's Rule as a guide. For US spelling, the reference is Merriam-Webster (, for a matter of grammar, punctuation, hyphenation, and capitalisation, refer to the Chicago Manual of Style (

Plagiarism: The journal takes plagiarism very seriously. It asks authors to be sure that they have properly acknowledged the scholarly work of others.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in .odt, .docx, or .doc document file format.
  • Where available, DOI numbers for the references have been provided.
  • The submission, including translations of titles, abstract, and keywords, has been (professionally) proof-read and edited.
  • The text uses gender-sensitive and inclusive language (see guidelines).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Research Articles

Research articles contribute to current issues and contemporary debates in anthropology. The Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anhtropology especially welcomes contributions discussing novel ways of theorising anthropological concepts as well as articles dealing with neglected topics that are firmly rooted in ethnographic data.

Initial submissions should not exceed 7’000 words, including notes and references. The submission includes a title page with a 150 word abstract in English and the language of your text, 4-6 keywords, a word count of the main manuscript, and a biographical note in English and the language of your article. The biographical note does not exceed 750 characters in each language. Please provide us with your contact details, including email and postal address.

Revised manuscripts include a cover letter explaining how the author has responded to the reviews. Upload the cover letter as a supplementary document.

Current Research

Current research articles present and discuss preliminary research results of recent and ongoing research projects. Contributions in this section have a strong commitment to ethnography. Initial submissions should not exceed 3000 words, including notes and references. With this format, the Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology especially encourages early career scholars to present first research results to a broader scientific readership.

The submission includes a title page with a 150 word abstract in English and the language of your text, 4-6 keywords, a word count of the main manuscript, and a biographical note (750 characters) in the language of your article. Please provide us with your contact details, including email and postal address.

Revised manuscripts include a cover letter explaining how the author has responded to the reviews. Upload the cover letter as a supplementary document.

Contributions in Audio-Visual Anthropology

The audio-visual anthropology section provides a publishing platform for audio and visual interventions in social anthropology. Sensory perception is a fundamental form of engagement with the world; mediated through image and sound, this engagement allows us to explore, create, and share human, and more-than-human experiences. We seek contributions in film, photography, and sound that critically examine and creatively evoke social and political lifeworlds. We are looking for practice-based contributions that use media to produce theory or that think through and with images and sounds, and are accompanied by written text. 

Initial submissions should not exceed 2500 words, including notes and references. They can include between 10 and 15 images (photographs, drawings, graphics, etc.) in publishable quality (at least 300 dpi). If you want to include sound and video files, please get in touch with us. Since captions help facilitate the dialogue between image and text, contributors should consider captioning their images unless there is a plausible artistic/poetic/scientific argument against it. Captions should be no longer than 50 words.

For online issues, images can be arranged according to the author, either embedded in the text or separated from it. For printed issues, images and text are published on separate pages. The call for papers will make clear if a forthcoming issue is to be published online or in print.

The submission includes a title page with a 150 word abstract in English and the language of your text, 4-6 keywords, a word count of the main manuscript, and a biographical note of 750 characters in the language of your article. Please provide us with your contact details, including email and postal address.

Revised manuscripts include a cover letter explaining how the author has responded to the reviews. Upload the cover letter as a supplementary document.

Book and Film Reviews

Book reviews discuss recent publications that make important theoretical or empirical contributions to anthropology. We have a particular focus on publications originating in the Swiss academic context. They should not exceed 1'500 words. If you are interested in writing a book review, get in touch with the coordinating section editor for a choice of book to review or take a look at our booksheld on the announcement page for a selection.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.