Affects, Ceremonial Gift-Givings and Social Structures

Forms and expressions of tình cảm in northern rural Vietnam

  • Emmanuel Pannier UMR «Patrimoines Locaux et Gouvernance» (IRD-Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle)
Keywords: affect, Vietnam, gift-giving, obligation, social relation, Frédéric Lordon


This article proposes to describe and analyze a central emic notion of contemporary Vietnamese society, the tình cảm, which refer to the emotional charge involved in a relationship. This affect is described through the lens of the flow of ceremonial gifts which constitute one of the principal means of expressing tình cảm in northern rural Vietnam. By testing the Spinozist approach of Lordon in The Society of Affects (2013), this paper shows how tình cảm are expressed, how they are a driver of social action and in which social structures they are produced.

Author Biography

Emmanuel Pannier, UMR «Patrimoines Locaux et Gouvernance» (IRD-Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle)

Emmanuel Pannier, qui a vécu au Vietnam une dizaine d’années, mène des recherches auprès des populations rurales du delta du fleuve Rouge et des habitants des zones montagneuses du Nord. Ses travaux s’inscrivent principalement dans le domaine de l’anthropologie économique et se concentrent en particulier sur la circulation non marchande de biens et de services, les réseaux de relations personnelles, le changement social et les rapports États-populations locales.

How to Cite
Pannier, Emmanuel. 2018. “Affects, Ceremonial Gift-Givings and Social Structures: Forms and Expressions of tình cảm in Northern Rural Vietnam”. Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology 23 (May):33-42.