To Act As If And To Act Like Though

Imitation and Analogism in Robotic Dairy Farming

  • Séverine Lagneaux Laboratoire d’anthropologie prospective, Université catholique de Louvain
Keywords: breeding, milking robot, imitation, analogism, human-animal relationships


Through four empirical imitation situations collected in the daily life of a dairy farm in Wallonia, this article examines the differences and similarities made between breeders, their cows and his milking robot. These imitative practices (cows mimicking them, farmer imitating his cattle, the robot mimicking the human and the breeder imitating the robot) question the classical, philosophical or psychological theories of imitation. I will also show that these relationships refer to analogism as defined by Philippe Descola.

Author Biography

Séverine Lagneaux, Laboratoire d’anthropologie prospective, Université catholique de Louvain

Après une thèse de doctorat en anthropologie qui a porté sur les transformations de la paysannerie roumaine à l’heure européenne, Séverine Lagneaux a eff ectué un séjour de recherche post-doctoral au Laboratoire d’Anthropologie sociale du Collège de France sous la direction de N. Vialles. Actuellement chargée de recherche au FNRS, ses recherches portent sur les modalités de relations hommes-animaux dans des élevages laitiers dont la technique de traite varie (traite manuelle, mécanique, robotisée) en Belgique, France ou Roumanie.

How to Cite
Lagneaux, Séverine. 2015. “To Act As If And To Act Like Though: Imitation and Analogism in Robotic Dairy Farming”. Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology 20 (May):50-60.