Fieldtheoretical Aspects in the Ethnopsychoanalysis of Georges Devereux

  • Danielle Bazzi Psychoanalytischen Seminar Zürich
Keywords: field theory, method of complementarity, ethnopsychoanalysis, Georges Devereux, metapsychology of boundaries


This article demonstrates the methodological and epistemological relevance of Georges Devereux’ use of field theory as a method in the sense of a contribution to the current discussion in social anthropology about the decentering of the anthropocentric understanding of the subject. Devereux’ complementary approach enables – but is also an obligation – not just to change the "either/ or" of culture and nature into an "as well as", but to accept it as a perennial construction of boundaries.

Author Biography

Danielle Bazzi, Psychoanalytischen Seminar Zürich

Danielle Bazzi Dr. phil., Psychoanalytikerin, Ethnologin. Seit 1978 psychoanalytische Praxis in Zürich. Koordinatorin für «Operative Gruppen», als solche tätig in verschiedenen Institutionen. Dozentin und Supervisorin in der Aus- und Weiterbildung am Psychoanalytischen Seminar Zürich (PSZ), Supervisorin in der Asylorganisation Zürich (AOZ). Vorträge und Publikationen zum Verhältnis Individuum und Gesellschaft, Analytisches Feld, Migrationsproblematik, Gender und Ritualtheorien.

How to Cite
Bazzi, Danielle. 2015. “Fieldtheoretical Aspects in the Ethnopsychoanalysis of Georges Devereux”. Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology 20 (May):117-26.