From the Hunter to the Wolf, from the Wolf to the "Object"

Managing in an analogical way the boundaries’ porosity between the man’s body, the wolf’s body and an artefact in West Mongolia


  • Bernard Charlier Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve



Mongolia, wolves, materiality, analogism


This article aims at studying the relationships Mongolian herders who practice hunting entertain with a particular material object, that is a wolf’s ankle bone. I try to show through an ethnographic analysis of the cosmological status of the wolf and the hunting activity that the use of the wolf’s ankle bone by men accounts for an analogical perception of the human and non-human bodies, as well as objects.


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Author Biography

  • Bernard Charlier, Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve

    Bernard Charlier est anthropologue, titulaire d’une thèse de doctorat réalisée à l’Université de Cambridge sous la direction de Caroline Humphrey. Ses recherches doctorales ont fournit la base d’une monographie intitulée Faces of the Wolf. Managing the Human, Non-human Boundary in Mongolia (Brill 2015). Grâce à la fondation Fyssen, il a réalisé une recherche sur le statut des animaux consacrés en Mongolie et leur mise en figuration sous la direction de Philippe Descola. Il est actuellement rédacteur en chef de la revue Social Compass.




How to Cite

Charlier, Bernard. 2015. “From the Hunter to the Wolf, from the Wolf to the ‘Object’: Managing in an Analogical Way the boundaries’ Porosity Between the man’s Body, the wolf’s Body and an Artefact in West Mongolia”. Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology 20 (May): 41-49.