Editorial SJSCA 28/2022
tsantsa, SJSCA, editorialDownloads
Bennett Ross, Jane. 1984. “Effects of Contact on Revenge Hostilities among the Achuara Jivaro.” In Warfare, Culture, and Environment, edited by R. Brian Ferguson, 83–124. Orlando: Academic Press.
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McGreevy, Nora. 2020. “Oxford Museum Permanently Removes Controversial Display of Shrunken Heads.” Smithonian Magazine, September 16, 2020. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/oxford-museum-moves-controversial-human-remains-storage-180975805/
Rubinstein, Steven L. 2004. “Shuar Migrants and Shrunken Heads Face to Face in a New York Museum.” Anthropology Today 20(3): 15–18. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0268-540X.2004.00268.x
Turner, Geoffry E. S. 1944. “53. Counterfeit ‘Tsantsas’ in the Pitt Rivers Museum.” Man 44(May): 57. https://doi.org/10.2307/2792098
Up de Graff, F. W. 1923. Head Hunters of the Amazon: Seven Years of Exploration and Adventure. Garden City, N. Y.: Garden City Pub. Co

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