The "Assembly Culture" in 15M

A Slow Apprenticeship between Sharing Norms and Openness to Others


  • Héloïse Nez Université Paris Cité, LIED/LCSP



assemblies, consensus, autonomy, participation, Spain, 15M


In Spain, the 15M movement organised itself into self-managed assemblies in public squares, going beyond the militant circles to which these practices had hitherto been confined. Based on an ethnographic study conducted over a ten-year period in Madrid, this article examines the effects of this broadening of audiences on the practice of assemblies. By looking at the difficulties involved in resorting to consensus, it focuses on the main political challenge of building a shared culture of collective decision-making. The question of temporality, central to this process, is expressed at the levels of learning a shared culture of assembly and of decision-making itself. We are thus exploring the tension between, on the one hand, the openness of the 15M assemblies to all, and on the other, the production of norms specific to these meeting practices, which require an apprenticeship that makes participation and integration into the assembly difficult.


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  • Héloïse Nez, Université Paris Cité, LIED/LCSP

    Héloïse Nez is a professor of sociology at the Université Paris Cité, a member of the Laboratoire interdisciplinaire des énergies de demain (LIED) and associated with the Laboratoire du changement social et politique (LCSP). Her research focuses on forms of engagement and participation, studied from the perspective of democratic practices in France and Spain. She is the author of the books Démocratie réelle. L’héritage des Indignés espagnols (Éditions du Croquant, 2022) and Podemos. De l’indignation aux élections (Les petits matins, 2015). She is also co-editor, with Marcos Ancelovici and Pascale Dufour, of Street Politics in the Age of Austerity. From the Indignados to Occupy (Amsterdam University Press, 2016).


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Nez, Héloïse. 2024. “The ‘Assembly Culture’ in 15M: A Slow Apprenticeship Between Sharing Norms and Openness to Others”. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sozial- Und Kulturanthropologie 30 (1): 22–41.