
  • Les formes de l'autonomie
    Bd. 30 Nr. 1 (2024)

    This special issue of the Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology focuses on assembly practices as a tool for collective decision-making within human groups that claim multiple forms of political autonomy from States. The aim of this dossier is to ethnograph decision-making processes in various social spaces, both in a post-colonial indigenous context (Amazonia, Andes, North America) and in a Western European social movement (Spain). The description of these meetings reveals a multiplicity of strategies that people invent and implement in order to decide together, form a political union and try to build a society on terms that are distinct from those that characterize the state model. In doing so, these ethnographies invite us to reconsider the conceptual tools of anthropology for thinking about the political.

    Guest editors: Paul Codjia and Raphaël Colliaux

  • The law of the outlaw: Law and order in, with, and beyond criminal groups
    Bd. 29 Nr. 1 (2023)

    Diese Sonderausgabe der Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie zum Thema «Das Recht des Gesetzlosen: Recht und Ordnung mit, innerhalb und jenseits von kriminellen Gruppen» untersucht die Beziehung zwischen dem Recht und verschiedenen Arten von kriminellen und kriminalisierten Gruppen. Während die Anthropologie eine Vielzahl von Arbeiten zu rechtlichen Fragen hervorgebracht hat, wurde die Beziehung zwischen dem Gesetz als heuristischer Kategorie und kriminellen Gruppen wie Banden, Mafia oder Triaden bisher kaum erforscht. Die meisten Darstellungen dieser kriminellen Gruppen tendieren dazu, sie als Gesetzlose zu definieren, die oft in aktiver Opposition zur etablierten Ordnung stehen. Diese Sonderausgabe vereint Beiträge aus zwei unterschiedlichen akademischen Traditionen, der frankophonen und der anglophonen, die das Verhältnis zwischen dem Gesetz und kriminellen Gruppen auf unterschiedliche Weise reflektieren. Die zweisprachige Einleitung des Sonderheftes gibt einen Überblick über diese beiden unterschiedlichen Traditionen der Rechtsanthropologie, bevor sie die Art und Weise, wie das Recht des Gesetzlosen aufgefasst wurde, verortet und den potenziellen Beitrag hervorhebt, den seine Untersuchung zur Entwicklung eines pragmatischen Ansatzes für das Recht leisten kann.

    Guest editors: Martin Lamotte and Dennis Rodgers

  • Anthropologisches Wissen und Machtverhältnisse
    Bd. 28 (2022)

    Das Special Issue der Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie «Anthropologisches Wissen und Machtverhältnisse» fragt danach, wie Machtverhältnisse die Forschung konditionieren - auch aus einer intersektionalen Perspektive, die unter anderem die Verflechtung von Geschlechter-, Klassen-, Rassen-, Validismus- und Alterskategorien berücksichtigt. Diese Ausgabe bringt Arbeiten zusammen, die zeigen, wie Individuen hierarchische Verhältnisse innerhalb der Prozesse wissenschaftlicher Herstellung in Frage stellen, akzeptieren und/oder unterlaufen. So werden in der Einleitung einige der Herausforderungen vorgestellt, die bei der Erstellung der Ausgabe eine Rolle gespielt haben, um die Selektivitätskriterien von Publikationsprozessen zu hinterfragen.

    Guest editor: Frédérique Leresche

  • TSANTSA Cover "Engaged Anthropology in and beyond Switzerland"

    Engaged Anthropology in and beyond Switzerland
    Bd. 27 (2022)

    TSANTSA's special issue "Engaged Anthropology in and beyond Switzerland" aims to shed light on and recognize the full potential of engaged anthropology and its place in academia and beyond. It argues for an inclusive approach to be both theoretically enriching and methodologically grounded in diverse practices and forms. The introduction addresses common confusions and obstacles distracting engaged anthropology from its core premises and potentials. As the Interface Commission of the Swiss Anthropological Association (SEG), we seek to deepen the conversation about how engagement bolsters the discipline to stay relevant and robust, and embark on new paths of theoretical reflection. By "repositioning" engaged anthropology at the heart of contemporary anthropology, we seek to overcome unproductive dichotomies on engagements and practices by embracing critical reflexivity in the process of knowledge production and social action.

    Guest editors: Peter Larsen, Doris Bacalzo, Mò Bleeker, Patrick Naef, Eda Elif Tibet, Leïla
                                                                Baracchini, Susie Riva


  • Getrennt/ verbunden: natürlich, synthetisch, digital
    Bd. 26 (2021)

    The world is experiencing new relations between natural, synthetic, and digital substances. Rather than considering these as materially distinct or ontologically separate, this special issue of TSANTSA interrogates how they are interlocked in socio-material processes of mediation, transmutation, and valuation. By conceptualizing the specificity of their separateness, the special issue makes possible the comparison and commensuration of their relationship, and to move beyond their essential qualities. What are the boundaries, leakages, or dis/connections between human and digital, natural and artificial, the organic and synthetic matters? Based on ethnographic research in laboratories, gold refineries, bio-tech microbial seeds and digitally-produced natural sounds, human-machine apps and cellular agriculture, each contribution theorizes the mediation, transmutation, and valuation of natural synthetics, the humanness of artificial intelligence, or the materiality of digital elements.

    Guest editors: Filipe Calvão, Matthieu Bolay, and Lindsay Bell

  • TSANTSA cover 25/2020: Penal Institutions and Their Hybridizations "in Action"

    Penal Institutions and Their Hybridizations "in Action"
    Bd. 25 (2020)

    The TSANTSA special issue 25/2020 Penal Institutions and Their Hybridizations 'in Action' discusses the relationship between the penal state and the welfare state, between punishment, rehabilitation, and risk management, and between prison and non-custodial sentences. The contributions examine how these seemingly distinct areas empirically come together to constitute a “sociopenal continuum”. The contributions examine three forms of hybridization. The first form is apparent when two institutions pursuing distinct missions are called upon to collaborate in order to deal with the same public; the second emerges when two paradigms for intervention compete with each other within the same institutional framework; and the third can be observed in the trajectories of the publics of criminal justice institutions, marked by a diverse range of measures for intervention (whether social, judicial, or therapeutic).

    Guest editors: Géraldine Bugnon, Arnaud Frauenfelder, Armelle Weil

  • Cover TSANTSA anthropological journal year 2019

    Dekoloniale Prozesse an Schweizer Hochschulen und Kulturinstututionen: empirische und theoretische Ansätze
    Bd. 24 (2019)

    This issue discusses aspects of decolonial processes and their relevance with regard to Swiss cultural institutions and higher education by presenting key concepts of decolonial thinking such as coloniality, modernity and de-linking. Boaventura de Sousa Santos’s suggestions for decolonising Western universities are juxtaposed with actual decolonial processes taking place in different academic, (art) education and museum settings in Switzerland and abroad, and their political dimensions are scrutinised.

    Guest editors: Fiona Siegenthaler, Marie-laure Allain Bonilla

  • Die Ethnographie des Affekts: Erfassung, Widerstände, Verbundenheit
    Bd. 23 (2018)

    Vital and visceral in intensity, the affect has emerged as a research object in the social sciences in the last decade to the point of triggering an "affective turn" (Clough et al. 2007). The aim of this Special Issue is to explore the interest in developing this theme in anthropology and the potential of ethnographic research on affect or, more precisely as we suggest, affects.

    Guest editors: Carine Plancke, Valerio Simoni

  • Ungewisse Zukünfte
    Bd. 22 (2017)

    Die sechs in dieser Ausgabe versammelten ethnografischen Studien fokussieren unterschiedliche ungewisse Zustände in Uganda, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Deutschland und der Schweiz. Die Beiträge thematisieren Fragestellungen im medizinischen Bereich, untersuchen prekäre ökonomische Umstände, den Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen sowie den Mangel an persönlicher Freiheit in bestimmten Situationen.

    Gast-Herausgeberinnen: Valeria Hänsch, Lena Kroeker, Silke Oldenburg

  • Öffentliche Räume, Zusammenleben und Marginalisierung: Welche Wirklichkeiten und welche Herausforderungen prägen die Städte der Gegenwart?
    Bd. 21 (2016)

    This special issue reflects on the different articulations between public space and marginalized populations, taking into account the imperatives of competition and visibility that affect contemporary cities, in Switzerland and across the world. Space has always been a controversial issue in urban life. Given its scarcity, space quickly becomes an issue of contention and competition in what regards to its possession, but also a symbolic issue in matters of neighbourhood control, access to public space and political domination. This special issue aims at understanding in what ways regulation of public space are influenced by, and influence in their turn the representations of otherness and of marginalized populations.

    Guest editors: Monika Litscher, Giada de Coulon, Annamaria Colombo

  • Anthropologie und die ontologische Wende
    Bd. 20 (2015)

    Le dossier thématique de TSANTSA 20 est consacré au "tournant ontologique". Alors que le débat fait rage autour des différentes approches désormais subsumées sous cette appellation, opposant des chercheurs français, britanniques, danois, brésiliens et américains, il nous a semblé important qu’une revue européenne fasse un état apaisé de ce débat. Le "tournant ontologique" est une nouvelle façon de poser le problème qui est au cœur de l’anthropologie moderne.

    Éditrices et éditeur invité·e·s: Frédéric Keck, Ursula Regehr, Saskia Walentowitz