Anthropological Knowledge and Power Relations


Keywords: situated knowledge, power relations, intersectionality


This special issue provides an opportunity to reflect on the conditions for knowledge production by interpreting the social world in a way that recognizes the interconnected nature of power relations. Building on existing research that has emphasized the situated character of knowledge and its production, the contributing authors develop a reflexive understanding of sites of expression to better highlight how power relations shape research (including through an intersectional approach that considers interactions between dynamics of sex, class, race, ableism, age, etc.) and how individuals challenge, accept, and/ or subvert power relations.

Author Biography

Frédérique Leresche, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Fribourg)

Frédérique Leresche is an actor and an anthropologist. Her research focuses on social rights and the relationship between individuals and the state. She has a special interest in agency-based strategies and the capacity for individuals to subvert norms.


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How to Cite
Leresche, Frédérique. 2023. “Anthropological Knowledge and Power Relations: Introduction”. Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology 28 (February):16-23.